Make a tandem jump from a height of 3 or 4 kilometres. With free fall!
Here you will find all tandem jumps with instructor. These are parachute jumps where you first make a free fall from a height of 3 or 4 kilometres. When you are about one kilometre off the ground the parachute opens and you gently float further down. You always jump in a duo jump together with an experienced instructor, also called: tandem master.
Parachuting or parachuting is a great experience, for many people even the coolest thing they have ever experienced. No experience is needed, the tandem master does all the work for you. A medical examination is not necessary either. Get in and enjoy. Enjoy the view, the feeling of freedom and the amazing adrenaline kick. We are happy to help you find the right location to make your jump!
Prices of the experiences may differ. This also applies to additional options and limits, such as for age, weight and height. Click on an experience to read all about the location and the package. Or click on Compare locations to see the differences in a table.
If you click on Show distances and share your location with us, we will also show you the distances. This way you can see what is closest for you: Breda, Zeeland, Ameland, Texel or Spa.