Lookup phone number
To lookup the right phonenumber, please select the type of your question you have:
Why this question?
If you want to contact us by phone, we always ask what it is about. We can then show you the telephone number of the person who can help you best.
Our product specialists can help you with questions about the various flying lessons, parachute jumps and other experiences. They will be happy to help you find the right package.
If you have already made a reservation, call the location where you made the reservation. For example, if you have practical questions. Or when you want to ask whether the weather is good enough to come and fly today or tomorrow. Our product specialists cannot help you with this as the decision whether or not to fly is taken by each location individually.
Also, the opening hours may vary. Our product specialists work from Monday to Friday, while most locations are open daily. So if, for example, you can't find your way around, colleagues at the different locations may be able to help you more quickly.
Depending on the answer to your question here, you will be shown the number of the product specialists or you can use your receipt number to look up the location where you made your reservation and see the details.